Join us for the

2013 Awards Dinner

Please join us for an evening of comraderie, cocktails (cash bar), dinner, and recognizing those who exceeded during the last Legion year.
Awardees include: Legion Baseball, Public Safety, Riders, Boys State, etc..
  Members and Guests welcome.
*ALL Early Birds are eligible for a $250 gift card.
(PUFLs, and those renewed by Sep 13th)
*New members attending are eligible for a $100 gift card
  Door Prizes and silent auction.
November 10, 2013
Reception: 5pm 
Dinner: 6pm
Program: 6:45
19550 Montgomery Village Ave
Montgomery Village, MD 20886
$25 per person
Ticket price includes: pasta buffet, ice tea, and door prizes.
Please register and pay using the button below. Checks must be received before November 1st. Payment at the door accept with prior coordination.

2013 Awards Dinner
